Vaping Safety Guide

Vaping is the new norm, and with every norm, there are manuals… to ensure prevalence of safety and avoidance of hazards.

If you’re new to vaping, you must ensure all the safety guidelines/protocols vaping world possess; even if you’re an old vaper among your vaping buddies, you should practice these measures. 

Don’t know much about this trend and the measures it follows?

Do not worry, I am here to decode!

Safer Vaping

Don’t stress… there’s no rocket science; follow these rules and enjoy vaping anywhere, anytime.

As a beginner, you need to learn all the safety measures before using a vape device. For instance, if the pod is running low on e-liquid how to replace it!

If you find the cartomizer is getting hot, then you need to take a break and let it cool down.

You can identify an empty cartomizer by the drop of the liquid in flavor and vapors.

As a novice vaper these aspects are quite important for you.

E-liquid Safety

E-liquids are the essential part of vaping… proper care is necessary when dealing with them.

Consumption of these vape juices by children or pets can be fatal. Measures should be made to avoid such mishaps.

Moreover, e-liquids should be stored in a cool dry place.

As a vaper you should also take care before pouring e-liquids into atomizers/cartomizer/tanks – to avoid exposure to the skin.

Driving & Vaping

Vaping while driving is totally safe, but you should not indulge in any other activities.

If you like to vape while driving then make sure the battery is completely charged, e-liquid is filled and the atomizer is properly connected.

Any other activity with drawing vape while driving enjoyable, but deadlier too.

Vape Handling

Avoid keeping uncovered e-cigs batteries in your pockets, bags, cars, etc.

These batteries can cause short-circuit when they come in contact with items like coins, keys, or direct sunlight.

This can even cause potential explosion and battery venting. To avoid this issue battery cases are recommended and they are available in different sizes, shapes and colors.

E-liquids Validity

Expiration dates of e-liquid is a very important when it comes to vaping.

Sometimes fake expiration date in found on e-liquids bottles. However, to get the proper idea about expiration you need to know that VG and PG shelf life is 2 years. Further, when you have purchased from an authentic vape shop in Pakistan, you will not face such issues.

If not used in this time period, sediments may develop. If the sediments do not get diluted by mixing it with the liquid then it is expected that e-liquid has been expired.

Tank Safety

The best thing about vaping is the availability of flavors. But this advantage can sometimes cause an issue when it comes to some tanks.

Some lower quality / counterfeit tanks are made with polycarbonate plastic and they cannot stand strong e-liquids.

You should always opt for 100% original tanks that are made of Pyrex, Metal, or Glass. Thus, there will be less chances of leakage in such tanks.

Nicotine Quality

Whether you are vaping or even smoking, nicotine is the key factor is satiating your nic rush.

Buying a high quality nicotine means you are getting the purer version of the nicotine; the authentic the nic, the lesser is be needed to blend it in the liquid.

Lower quality / fake nicotine means you are getting nicotine that is mixed with other low grade ingredients. Moreover, low-grade nicotine causes adverse effects on your health and eventually putting your health at risk.

Have a Safe Vaping!

You must follow these safety measures. The purpose of these measures is to keep you protected from all sorts of mishaps.

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