Why Vaping is a Positive Alternative to Smoking

Why Vaping is Positive Alternate to Smoking

Since a few years now, we have had e-cigarettes getting more and more popular among the public, specifically youth and people trying to quit smoking. It has been a substantial fact that vaping is principally something that prompts a need to quit smoking by default.

Vaping not only can help people quit smoking but now more and more countries are adopting it to use dry weed, and CBD as a remedy to ailments like arthritis, inflammation, pain, anxiety and stress, etc.

Vaporizers Different Sizes

Many countries are now using vaporizers of different sizes and modifications based on people’s liking. There are a lot of brands that manufacture products like pods, vape mods, e-flavors, accessories, vape coils, JUUL, among others.

The regulatory bodies like FDA in USA and MHRA in UK have taken a long time to check, inspect, and regulate these vaping products.

The main reason it helps people quit is the fact that it has manageable nicotine-value. When quitting smoking, the most difficult part would have to be nicotine addiction one gets overtime. For the purpose of quitting, a person uses alternative ways to acquire nicotine for their body like nicotine-gums, patches, lozenges, etc.

In the same manner, vaping and e-cigarettes also provide these people who are trying to quit smoking, an alternative that is far better owing to cigarette-like simulation and controllable nicotine value.

There are multiple flavors available that have variant values of nicotine like, 0 mg, 3 mg, 6 mg. A person trying to quit smoking will be able to start with a high quantity of nicotine and then decrease it slowly till finally reducing it to zero.

This method is not only fun but can bring results as well. PHE Health Review 2018 in UK states that e-cigarettes can reduce 20,000 smokers from UK in a year. This is a big number that is significant in nature.

Vaping is Considered Better Than Smoking

Vaping is considered better than smoking because it does not contain any harmful chemicals that are detrimental to health. E-cigarettes are called smokeless cigarettes because they produce vapor. Vapors are produced because the flavor is not burned in the chamber, rather heated. Apart from that in cigarettes, there are cancerous elements like tar.

E-cigarettes contain propylene glycol (PG) and vegetable glycerin (VG), which are two main ingredients in any e-liquid. The purpose of both PG and VG is to give consistency to the e-liquid and make a better cloud. Apart from that, e-cigarettes use wick, coil, and batteries.

E-cigarettes are devices that are complex in nature owing to multiple types and various flavors. People often are confused with which option to go for when they’re beginners. Having said that, it has its perks and that is why is considered a better alternative.

E-cigarettes are 95% healthier than smoking according to a report by PHE UK. Considering there are more benefits of vaping than smoking, it is natural that people opt for this alternative over others. Having nicotine is not as harmful as it may sound, because coffee we drink also contains an amount of nicotine in it.

When starting to vape, it is recommended that one must take help from a former vaper. This way, they can ensure that the product being vaped is of high quality. PG/VG ratio, flavor, mods, batteries should be bought from regulated manufacture so that it is useful than harmful.

Vaping is better than smoking and many countries are now adopting it as an alternative. Apart from that, these devices are now being used in rehabilitation centers and clinics. Now that people have used e-cigarettes and regulatory bodies do somewhat accept the fact that it is safe than smoking, the industry is flourishing and growing rapidly. There are a lot of manufacturers in the market and all are working to have the best products.

E-liquids are also a factor that distinguishes e-cigarettes from tobacco cigarettes. The flavor is a difficult choice as well and should be bought accordingly. It is not recommended to buy these flavors in bulk as one may not like a flavor.


Main differences between E-Cigarettes and vaporizers
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